Internal Blog Post Links
We have already discussed the importance of external links from your website to other websites for SEO and Google Search, but Internal links on your website between your articles and blog posts are also important.
It looks like a two-tier spider web.
The aim is for a spider web to link as many of your articles and blogs as possible internally within your website
and then link from your website to the internet as a whole.
The spiders on the internet find your website through external links and then find your articles by crawling inside your website.
The information gleaned from the “crawl” is not just a dumb gleaning of information, it is an intelligence gathering of connections. Google wants to know the hierarchy and structure of your website and how your articles, blogs and pages, your content, relate to each other.
The Structure
Now, when we start building our websites and blogs, we may have limited ideas of how it is going to fit together and work out. Unless you are very organized it is going to be very much trial and error until you get your ideas straight and then the structure that fits with your ideas and works for you. But the sooner you can get this organised structure and straighten out how everything links link together the better.
So, when you are creating a blog post try and work out how the post can relate to existing posts before you start and make sure you link with relevant material.
The job of remembering the content of all the articles and post you have written can be tedious. But there are tools out there to help you, tools such as Yoast. Yoast has an internal linking suggestion tool which trawls through your site and can come up with linking ideas as you write. You can then copy the link into the text as you go.